Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Month 5

Watch, I can roll to my tummy (7/23)

This is Leo - he is helping me learn to sit up

Look - no hands! I am sitting up all by myself (7/22)

My first trip to the Zoo - WOW those bears are big!

Poppa is a nice lounge chair

This is a really good book, you should read it sometime.

I think it was 110 degrees this day. (7/10)

Meka doggy - we are pals.

My first solid food - rice cereal

This is my new highchair - now I can sit at the table with my Momma & Poppa and be part of the action!!

I like making funny faces with Momma

Naked time - Yippy

Here I am making my first batch of chocolate chip cookies. I can't wait until I can eat them - they sure look good!!!

My first swim outside!

It feels so nice to lay in the grass - here I am one with the earth.

Meka is a great playmate. We smile at each other all the time.